One Apron

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pepperoni chicken parmesan

I promise I have been cooking. I just haven’t been posting! I suck. But I promise to play catch up and post all the awesome things I have been cooking up in my tiny kitchen.

First on the list is this amazing chicken parmesan with pepperoni from Food and Wine. But let’s be honest, what is not to love about baked cheese and pepperoni? It seemed almost impossible that it wouldn’t turn out to be the most delicious thing ever. And I was right, it was so good! It was cheesy and savory and just pretty to look at. Seth kept the left overs and just finished it off last night.

I served it with a small side salad of romaine, sliced radishes, feta, fresh cilantro, and sliced cherry tomatoes. The dressing was olive oil, dried mint flakes (use fresh if you have it), salt and pepper. Just slice up your radishes, tomatoes, and cilantro. Add to a bowl and pour in the dressing ingredients. Stir and let it sit for a few minutes before tossing in the romaine and feta.


This is sure to please any guy you want to impress with your culinary skillz! And it will make your belly happy too.


Click HERE to be taken to pepperoni and cheese heaven.

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This entry was posted on January 24, 2011 by in *, salads, white meat.

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